


Provide collaborative, family centered treatment that empowers people to effectively communicate.


How do we accomplish what we do – what values are imperative to our mission.

  • Client/family education and participation
  • Intentional and focused collaboration with all stakeholders
  • Interdependent teamwork
  • Project oriented work focused on enhancing core values
  • Community
  • Openness and humility
  • Continuous professional development



Here at JSA we believe in a holistically delivered family centered approach that incorporates our clients' loved ones and total support system into the therapy process.

How we deliver our family-centered approach:

  • Learning about the family system and developing contextualized assessments and interventions that respect the family system and preferences (Hecimovic, Powell, & Christensen, 1999; Moes & Frea, 2000)
  • Careful attention to family priorities and concerns in planning interventions (e.g., Marshall & Mirenda, 2002);
  • Developing meaningful learning opportunities, providing information, teaching strategies, and offering feedback to families
  • Teaching families interaction skills to support and manage behavior and the development of communication and language
  • Recognizing that family and individual beliefs and values will vary based on culture, background, personal preferences, and individual variability
  • Recognizing that therapeutic resource strategies can be more effectively utilized in a collaborative environment
  • Placing a high value on seeking and respecting family views
  • Individualizing services to the needs and desires of the family and involving families in decision-making
  • Recognizing the transactional nature of the disorder when evaluating family interactions and relationships
  • Recognizing that family systems are dynamic rather than static, with family interactions and needs changing over time
  • Engaging the family and using familiar items in various aspects of the evaluation and therapy sessions
  • Suspending judgment and building rapport with the family about their needs and interests.

Benefits of Family Centered Therapy

  • Allows meaningful input when establishing the goals and directing therapy plans for clients in order to better generalize skills at home, school and in the community.
  • Family learns proven techniques that can be applied in a variety of life learning opportunities
  • Clients will experience faster growth and greater retention as life learning opportunities will provide more relevant connections

Monrovia Clinic (626) 355-1729

Claremont Clinic (909) 626-0900

Camarillo Clinic (805) 504-2200

Justine Sherman & Associates, Inc. ©